Thanks for your interest in contacting Dr. Allan. If you would like to discuss a research collaboration, podcast, interview, or any other opportunity, please fill out the form below.
We'll get in touch as soon as we can (usually within five business days).
However, please do not feel slighted if you don’t receive a response. It’s just a matter of too many requests and too little time. We receive a veritable flood of contact requests (which is interesting as we don't aggressively promote this site to the public). The bottom line is that, as much as he'd like to help everyone, it is physically impossible for Dr. Allan to do so.
Hint: Share as much information as possible (e.g., what specifically you have in mind for Dr. Allan's participation, what the project is for, what the timeline is, etc.), and Dr. Allan will be more likely to prioritize your request.
Oh, and please note: Dr. Allan does not provide clinical therapy or medical advice. If you require mental health support, please consult with your GP (family doctor).
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